New World Program (a draft): Is there any justification for unemployment?

The Plan of a Citity
As already said, drawing the designs for the one hundred thousand odd citities of the new world is the work of one hundred thousand teams of planners, architects, economists, engineers, philosophers, doctors and educationists. Here we can at best have the assessment of the situation and the general outline.

We have:

Diameter of the Earth at the Equator   = 12756 Kilometres

Diameter of the Earth at the Poles       = 12712 Kilometres

Mean diameter                                            = 12734 Kilometres

Mean radius        “R”                                    =   6367 Kilometres

We have thus seen that the world isn’t over-crowded yet. The Earth can sustain at least double the population we presently have. But Capitalism has created the Cities of Ghosts by huddling together millions of people into as little space as is actually impossible to live in; considering the demands of nature and life. After crowding people together in such a lunatic-pathetic way, one would thing the jungles must be chaste and wildlife flourishing under Capitalism. The facts are stubbornly negative, however.


An incessant deafening noise twenty-four hours every day; large, monstrous, terrifying buildings which stand humiliating every individual human being’s pettiness of size as a Gulliver in the land of Brobdingnag; broad and unending ever-busy roads filled with all filth; long queues of electric poles showering their needles of neurotic light; tremendously frightening ply-overs; metros… uncountable vehicles of every imaginable/unimaginable size and stature rushing recklessly in every direction till ordered by the Omnipotent Phantom governing the movement of life, THE RED LIGHT, to “Stop even if you are the most reluctant to!”; a hurricane of respiteless people desperately busy over trifles; complete estrangement of everyone with the fabric of life; alienation, rowdiness and frustration; arrogance, depression and senselessness; violence, helplessness and crimes; crimes, higher crimes, and more crimes…. utter collapse of the faculty of thinking and complete misery of everybody; market of every shameful/shameless commodity…: This is what your every City at present is, and which you take such a vain-glory about.


Everything any sane or insane man can fancy about, after or before getting himself boozed, is available in every City of yours—of course except peace, wilderness, freedom for body and mind, fresh air, fearlessness, undisturbed-healthy sleep, life and other vital things.


In short your current Cities are the biggest uncared about Lunatic Asylums—where Charlatans and Religions serve as the half-mad psychiatrists.


What adds charm to the everlasting Realm of Omnipotent Stupidity is the fact that millions of “well-educated” and ill-educated ladies and gentlemen spend their hard-earned coins to pay visits and homage, as tourists, to this Hell that is your present City.


To resume the plan of our Citity. We have all the land of the world as the common property of all mankind, instead of its ownership by the landlords and capitalists.


We have more than a thousand square kilometers available for our Citity meant ideally for a population of one hundred thousand people. Let us go to the centre of the Citity and construct a grand stadium for our top sporting events there. Aside the stadium, let us construct an auditorium cum theatre for our accomplished artists and their audience. Surrounding the two, we have the Hospital, which comes under the aegis of the University of our Citity. Surrounding, we have the Colleges and the Schools. We have a Technical College too. Surrounding this, the Heart of our Citity, we have the family-houses, which in turn are enveloped by the first phase of the agricultural land. Beyond this land are the houses for the young couples, which in turn are surrounded by another phase of the agricultural land. Further beyond, we have the houses for the singles, all enveloped by the jungles.


At the fringe to the Citity, at an inner corner of the jungle, there is the Industrial Area, Railway Station, Bus Station and the Taxi Stand. At another such corner we have the Airport. The sewage of the Citity drains deep into the jungle, where it is processed. At yet another distant place inside the jungle are two reservoirs of water—one supplying the drinking water, another for toilet use. Irrigation of the jungle as well as the whole land is well managed.


Let us allocate land for each of these sub-projects.



We can assume the population-structure of the Citity as follows.


Out of one hundred thousand people: (i) twenty thousand can be assumed to be old; (ii) twenty thousand the young living in couples; (iii) twenty thousand singles; and (iv) forty thousand living in families each comprising a couple and their two children.


From (iv) above, 40000 persons make 10000 families.

Land required for their housing + kitchen-garden

                           =30 meters x 30 meters per family

                           = 9000000 sq. meters

From (iii) above, two-floor houses required = 10000

Land required for these houses + kitchen garden

                           = 30 x 30 sq. meters per house

                           = 9000000 sq. meters

For (ii) above, number of houses required     = 10000

Land required                                              = 9000000 sq. meters

For (i) above, number of old people     = 20000

Land required for their housing, flower-gardens, etc.

                                                                                       = 9000000 sq. meters               

Land for roads and streets                            = 6000000 sq. meters

Land for agriculture                                      = 75000000 sq. meters

Land for Industries                                       = 32000000 sq. meters

Land for the Airport, Bus-Station, Railway Station, etc.  =As required   

                                                                             = 39899996 sq. meters (say)   

                           = about forty square kilometers; which area

                              is clearly too large for the purposes

Land for the playing-fields         = 6500000 sq. meters


Besides this, we have left one third of the total Land Area as deserts—though the deserts can be, and will be, changed into the jungles by the use of the modern scientific-technological know-how. We have also left a good area for mining and other miscellaneous works.


Tell me, is there any justification for unemployment?

Is there any justification for the patent-rights on Science and Technology?

Is there any justification for poverty and illiteracy?

Is there any justification for the continuance of the system of frustrations, wretchedness, selfishness, hostility, terrorism, money and wars?

Is there any justification for madness and other mental diseases that this world is permeated with through and through?


Hence Our Immediate Aim ought to be:

100% free education and free living for all below twenty years;

100% employment for all above 26 years of age with six hours working-day.

100% employment for all above 20 years of age with three hours working-day till the age of twenty-six is attained.

100% housing for every individual.

100% free health care.